How Color Works

Color Theory in the 21st Century

Richly illustrated and interactive in its approach, How Color Works: Color Theory in the Twenty-First Century explores the contemporary aesthetics of color. Color and its many meanings are presented in culturally specific terms, encouraging students to appreciate the power that color holds over different societies. The text demonstrates that interest in color is alive and well-even in surprising corners of artistic production-and shows students of all media and all experience levels how to create and use color in a sophisticated fashion.

Beyond Critique

Contemporary Art in Theory, Practice, and Instruction

Critique has long been a central concept within art practice and theory. Since the emergence of Conceptual Art, artists have been expected by critics, curators, and art school faculty to focus their work on exposing and debunking ideologies of power and domination. Recently, however, the effectiveness of cultural critique has come into question. The appearance of concepts such as the "speculative," the "reparative," and the "constructive" suggests an emerging postcritical paradigm.

Beyond Critique takes stock of the current discourse around this issue. With some calling for a renewed criticality and others rejecting the model entirely, the book's contributors explore a variety of new and recently reclaimed criteria for contemporary art and its pedagogy. Some propose turning toward affect and affirmation; others seek to reclaim such allegedly discredited concepts as intimacy, tenderness, and spirituality. With contributions from artists, critics, curators and historians, this book provides new ways of thinking about the historical role of critique while also exploring a wide range of alternative methods and aspirations. Beyond Critique will be a crucial tool for students and instructors who are seeking to think and work beyond the critical.